St. Patrick Chaplet

St. Patrick Chaplet
St. Patrick, Our Patron, Pray for Us. These words are inscribed on the 1 inch St. Patrick medal which was recast in bronze from a vintage medal.
On each of the 12 green beads say a Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be. Amen.
Then say: Through the intercession of St. Patrick, may God Almighty strenghen my faith, and grant the grace of faith for others. Amen.
Concluding Prayer: The Breastplate of St. Patrick
Christ as a light, illuminate and guide me!
Christ as a shield, overshadow and cover me!
Christ be under me! Christ be over me!
Christ be beside me, on the left hand and right!
Christ be before me, behind me, about me;
Christ this day be within and without me!
Medal: Bronze recast of vintage St. Patrick
Beads: Deep green stone beads, caramel-toned glass beads and brass spacer beads.