In The Name of Jesus
You would think that being a Catholic my whole life I would have some concept of the power of the name of Jesus. But somehow my knowledge of the power of His most Holy Name was reduced to what I read on the front of a Christmas cards. I always enjoyed receiving those cards proclaiming that God has bestowed on Jesus "the name which is above every name. At the name of Jesus every knee should bend, of those in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the Glory of God the Father" (Phil 2:9-11). But I still didn't get it until a recent bible study class in which we have been discussing Acts of the Apostles and watching a video series led by Jeff Cavins. In Acts, when the Apostles performed miracles they were all done in 'the name of Jesus'. The name Jesus means 'God saves'. I was astounded that I had simply read the words in the past or heard that miracles were performed in the name of Jesus but it just didn't register for me.
I now realize the awesome power the name of Jesus carries for all who believe. I decided to not only pray for my children in the name of Jesus but to go into each of their rooms and lay my hands on their beds. I only have my youngest at home with me these days so I can't lay my hands on the other five who are not here right now! I knelt down at each of their beds and prayed over them to follow God's will in their lives, to turn to God daily to guide them to lead holy and pure lives and to turn away from sin and towards God......all prayed in the most Holy Name of Jesus.
I plan to pray for my children this way once per week. I felt closer to my two kids who live away and the other three at college. Luckily all the kids' room remain as when they lived here, so the 'shrines' to each child will serve their purpose for prayer! Another thing I didn't really understand completely until the video series, but all our prayers are asked in Jesus' name because we begin: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. So praise be to God I have been praying in Jesus' Holy Name without realizing it!
Wishing you God's abundant blessings, Peace and Joy,