Strength, Wisdom and Grace
Well school has begun and everyone is getting into the swing of early mornings and homework. This is a big year for several of our children so I'm looking forward to a "whopper of a spring". I'm trying to mentally prepare myself now.
Paul, number 6th child, is a senior in high school.
(you know you're in a big family when you are referred to by your birth order number!)
Andrew, number 8,
is in eighth grade and
will be Confirmed and graduate from our parish school. There are all kinds of special events that surround this rite of passage!
Finally, Rosie, number 10, is in second grade making her First Confession and receiving her First Holy Communion. At least there are no baptisms (that I know of), weddings (Rosie says "Ben would have to get a girl friend really fast!") or college graduations this year! Being on the "two year plan" when spacing our children, seemed like a good idea at the time but we hadn't factored sacraments and graduations into the equation!
I'm not going to stress about the spring...we've done it all before! I'm going to pray that my children receive all the sacramental graces and joy that these special events have to offer. And I will celebrate my children "growing in strength, wisdom and grace"!
Oh and remember... I am home all alone (except for the occasional college kid) eating "bon-bons"all day! Well, look at what I found in my purse the first morning of school! Another reason all is well in my world .... I married Mark Findley :)
Peace and joy,
P.S. The kids found my candy bar after school...