It's Possible
The other day I was in the car running errands with four of my grandchildren. They started a conversation describing their ideas of the 'Best Day Ever', a day when all the video games are free, you have all the candy you could eat, there's an ice cream mountain, you win a million dollars. One of them wished they could fly. I heard toy store shopping spree.
It came to me this just might be a teachable moment on priorities. I chimed in, "I think the Best Day Ever will be when I'm in heaven with everyone I love." "That doesn't count, Grandma!" responded, my 12 year old grandson, Quintin. "That's possible and can happen, we're talking about impossible stuff." Wow, a statement made with a child's certainty. The very real possibility of heaven. Do I sometimes think of it as an impossible fantasy? Some food for thought I'll be thinking about for a while.
"Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:3
Now, if only we can get Quintin to see it's possible to do his homework.
Blessings, Carolyn