Rocky Fork
Mike's family gathers together every summer and camps at Rocky Fork State Park in Hillsboro Ohio. The past three summers were so sweltering hot that we could not even move. That is no exaggeration. Our bodies could do nothing more than just sit in chairs, in the picnic shelter, sweating profusely surrounded with box fans. We took frequent trips to the beach and cool showers attempting to refresh ourselves.
This year, we changed the four day trip from July to June to see if we could outsmart the July heat-waves and that we did! We were blessed with awesome weather. Pleasant daytime temperatures and cool nighttime temperatures that were perfect for being lulled to sleep listening to the bullfrogs. The cousins enjoyed sleeping night after night shoehorned into tents. They also played many board games and walked over to the camp store to buy candy and ice cream. One of the fun traditions started by my girls and their cousin's Erin and Natalie is the annual talent show. The kids perform funny skits and we parents join in with carefully planned (NOT!) songs and dances.
The memories that our kids will have from spending time catching fireflies with their cousins and staying up until they just cannot keep their drooping eyelids open is the best part of our trip. We already have our reservation in for next year and we are hoping for more beautiful weather and fun times.
God's peace be with you,