Di-borg Rises!
One of the good things about this new blogging experiment (Can I really call what I've been doing blogging? I'm not writing much of anything, just sharing my art and images, so maybe I should call it blarting...?) is that it has given me an outlet to create stuff on my own that has no connection to my day job or freelance work. I'm being forced to carve out "free time" to make imagery and honestly I just love to draw stuff.
Recently instead of images of quotes and bible verses, this free time has been taken up with a summer project my 5 year old Max and I have been creating. If you will indulge me I thought I would share that here. Max has been writing a comic and I'm drawing the pictures. It's been a really fun way to spend time with him and even though he's not always sure that I've gotten the pictures quite right (I've been given explicit instructions not to make the dinos cute) he's enjoying his time with mom. I've drawn the comics but I've tried to keep the writing all Max. He has decided to record it all on my phone so that I won't miss anything. These are the first 3 pages and tells the story of the main bad guy (Di-borg) and his minions.