Necklace-MiraculousSacredOrange.jpg Necklace-MiraculousSacredOrange-Open.jpg

Bronze 3 Way Medal and Ecru Pearls

N-ArtDeccoMaryPearl.jpg N-ArtDeccoMaryPearl-O.jpg

Immaculate Mary So Pure

N-CircleChainArtDecco-O.jpg N-CircleChainArtDecco-M.jpg

Art Deco Mary on Circle Chain

Sale Price:$40.00 Original Price:$68.00
MMPearl4.jpg MMPearls.jpg

Miraculous Medal and Crystal Pearl Necklace

Necklace-BronzeSHwhite.jpg Necklace-BronzeSHwhite-MedalBack.jpg

Sacred Heart and Pearls

PinkChildNecklaceOLGrace.jpg PinkChildNecklaceOLGrace2.jpg

Our Lady in Pink and White

Sale Price:$38.00 Original Price:$52.00
BlueChildNecklaceOLGrace.jpg BlueChildNecklaceOLGrace2.jpg

Our Lady in Blue and White

Sale Price:$38.00 Original Price:$52.00
PinkChildNecklace.jpg PinkChildNecklaceCross2.jpg

18th Century Cross in Pink and White

Sale Price:$24.00 Original Price:$45.00
White-Swarovski-Pearl-Necklace-5.jpg White-Swarovski-Pearl-Necklace-looped3.jpg

White Crystal Pearl Necklace

N-PearlsPinkHeartCrux.jpg N-PearlsPinkHeartCrux-M.jpg

Crystal Pearls with Sterling Crucifix and Pink Hearts Necklace

BlueMMBCH2.jpg BlueMMBCH1.jpg

Blue Enameled Miraculous Medal

N-ChainMM-O.jpg N-ChainMM-M.jpg

Dainty Sterling Miraculous Medal

Necklace-ChainHolySpiritCross-O.jpg Necklace-ChainHolySpiritCross-M.jpg

Sterling Silver Holy Spirit on Chain

SSBlessedMother_SSTchain20_3.jpg SSBlessedMother_SSTchain20.jpg
sold out

Sterling Art Deco Miraculous Medal

SSStTheresaSSMM_SSchain_30_2.jpg SSStTheresaSSMM_SSchain_30.jpg

Sterling St. Therese with Star Miraculous Medal

SSCrucifix_SSTchain.jpg SSBlessedMother_SSTchain20_4.jpg

Sterling Silver Crucifix Necklace

SilverStBenBCh4.jpg SilverStBenBCh2.jpg

Pewter St. Benedict

2HandsHoldingHeart.jpg 2HandsHeart.jpg

Sterling Irish Claddagh

SSTriumphTwoHearts_SSTBallChain24_4.jpg SSTriumphTwoHearts_SSTBallChain24_3.jpg

Sterling Silver Triumph of the Two Hearts

PewterOLLourdes_SSTchain20.jpg PewterOLLourdes_SSTchain20_2.jpg

Pewter Open Work Lourdes Necklace

SSCrossScapular_SSTchain18_3.jpg SSCrossScapular_SSTchain18_5.jpg

Sterling Silver Cross Shaped Scapular Medal

StTheresaAvela_SSTcahin18.jpg StTheresaAvela_SSTcahin18_2.jpg

St. Teresa of Avila in Sterling

SSMM_SSTchain18_4.jpg SSMM_SSTchain18.jpg

Our Lady of Grace with Fleur de Lis and Cross

N-BronzeBallChainGhostCross-M.jpg N-BronzeBallChainGhostCross-MB.jpg

Bronze Holy Spirit Medal on Ball Chain

StJoeBallChain2.jpg StJoeBallChain.jpg

St. Joseph on Ball Chain

N-BronzeBallChain3way.jpg N-BronzeBallChain3way-M.jpg

Four Way Medal on Ball Chain

BronzeDoveBCH1.jpg BronzeDoveBCH2.jpg

Come Holy Spirit Creator Blest on Ball Chain

from $34.00
N-BronzeChainArtDecoMM.jpg N-BronzeChainArtDecoMM2.jpg

Bronze Art Deco Miraculous Medal

Fancy_Bronze_Divine_Mercy_30inch.jpg Fancy_Bronze_Divine_Mercy_30inch2.jpg

Fancy Divine Mercy on 32” Chain

N-BronzeCircleChainMountCarmel.jpg N-BronzeCircleChainMountCarmel-M.jpg
sold out

Bronze Our Lady of Mt. Carmel on Chain

N-LeatherStChrisCross-M.jpg N-LeatherStChrisCross-MB.jpg

Old World Crucifix on Leather

N-BronzeBallChainFModCrucifix-M.jpg N-BronzeBallChainFModCrucifix-MB.jpg

Old World Crucifix on Ball Chain

St_Therese_Of_the_Child_Jesus_Bronze_30inch.jpg St_Therese_Of_the_Child_Jesus_Bronze_30inch3.jpg

Bronze St. Therese of the Child Jesus

N-LeatherHolyQueenStMike.jpg N-LeatherHolyQueenStMike-M.jpg

St. Michael and Our Lady Leather Necklace

N-BronzeBallChainHolyQueen-MB.jpg N-BronzeBallChainHolyQueen-M.jpg

St. Michael and Our Lady on Ball Chain

N-LeatherCloverStChris.jpg N-LeatherCloverStChris-M.jpg

St. Christopher Clover on Leather

N-BronzeBallChainStChris-M.jpg N-BronzeBallChainStChris-MB.jpg

St. Christopher on Ball Chain

RV-StMike.jpg RV-StMike-M.jpg

St. Michael the Archangel Leather Necklace


St. Michael the Archangel on Ball Chain

N-BronzeBallChainOrinmential.jpg N-BronzeBallChainOrinmential2.jpg

Filigree Ball Chain

from $33.00
bronzecirclechain2.jpg bronzecirclechain3.jpg

Brass Circle Chain

3.5 mm Fancy Ball chain BronzeFancyBallChain3.jpg

3.5 mm Fancy Ball chain

Bronze_Ball_Chain.jpg Bronze_Ball_Chain2.jpg

Bronze-tone Ball chain

circlechain2.jpg circlechain3.jpg

Silver Plated Circle Chain

1.5mm Flat Stainless Steel Chain boxChain.jpg

1.5mm Flat Stainless Steel Chain

Sterling Silver Box Chain

Sterling Silver Box Chain

from $30.00
Chain-Silver1.jpg Chain-Silver2.jpg

Sterling Silver Chain

from $30.00
1.5 mm Stainless Steel Ball chain stainless_steal_ball_chain2.jpg

1.5 mm Stainless Steel Ball chain

from $16.00

Necklace Extender

M-BronzeVirgoFlowers-B.jpg M-BronzeVirgoFlowers-F.jpg

Our Lady of Lourdes with Clasp

Art Deco St. Francis with Clasp

Art Deco St. Francis with Clasp

Blessed Virgin with Baby Jesus on Clasp

Blessed Virgin with Baby Jesus on Clasp

N-BronzeFlurDeLeCrossMary-B.jpg N-BronzeFlurDeLeCrossMary-F.jpg

Fleur De Lis with Clasp

Four Way Medal with Clasp M-BronzeTrinityCross-B.jpg

Four Way Medal with Clasp

M-BronzeHolySpiritofLLL-F.jpg M-BronzeHolyFamilyModel-F.jpg

Holy Spirit with Clasp

M-BronzeSanDamiano-F.jpg M-BronzeSanDamiano-B.jpg

Lovely Mary Crowned with Twelve Stars

Old World Crucifix with St. Christopher on Reverse M-BronzeCrossStChris-B.jpg

Old World Crucifix with St. Christopher on Reverse

M-BronzeOLFatima-F.jpg M-BronzeOLFatima-B.jpg
sold out

Our Lady of Fatima with Clasp

Our Lady of Perpetual Help with Clasp M-JesusThrown-F.jpg

Our Lady of Perpetual Help with Clasp

Our Lady of Guadalupe with Clasp

Our Lady of Guadalupe with Clasp

Our Lady of Mount Carmel on Clasp

Our Lady of Mount Carmel on Clasp


St. Anthony of Padua on Clasp

St. Christopher & Our Lady of the Road with Clasp M-BronzeTravelingMaddonnaChild-F.jpg

St. Christopher & Our Lady of the Road with Clasp

BigSacredHeartMedal2.jpg BigSacredHeartMedal.jpg

Bronze Immaculate Heart of Mary

St. Joseph on a Clasp M-BronzeCrossStJoe-B.jpg

St. Joseph on a Clasp

St. Michael the Archangel on a Clasp M-BronzeStMikeInCaseAccident-B.jpg

St. Michael the Archangel on a Clasp

M-BronzePadrePio-F.jpg M-BronzePadrePio-B.jpg

St. Padre Pio on a Clasp

M-BrozeStTeresa-B.jpg M-BrozeStTeresa-F.jpg

St. Therese of the Child Jesus on a Clasp

St. Therese The Little Flower Cross with Clasp StTeresaMedal2.jpg

St. Therese The Little Flower Cross with Clasp


St. Jude on Clasp

BronzeSacredHeart.jpg BronzeSacredHeartBack.jpg

Bronze Sacred Heart on Clasp

DivineMercyMedal.jpg DivineMercyMedal2.jpg

Divine Mercy on Clasp


Camino de Santiago Clip


Stigmata Cross on Clasp

Circular_Scapular_Medal.jpg Circular_Scapular_Medal2.jpg

Circular Scapular Medal on a Clasp

Crest_Scapular_Medal.jpg Crest_Scapular_Medal2.jpg

Crest Shaped Scapular Medal on a Clasp

Oval_Scapular_Medal.jpg Oval_Scapular_Medal2.jpg

Oval Scapular medal on a Clasp


St. Teresa of Avila Medal on a Clasp

Cross_Scapular_Medal.jpg Cross_Scapular_Medal2.jpg

Cross Scapular medal on a Clasp


St. Joseph, Art Deco medal on a Clasp


Blessed Virgin Mary with Adoring Angels on a Clasp

Divine Mercy medal on a Clasp Oval_2inch_DM_Medal2.jpg

Divine Mercy medal on a Clasp

Fancy_Openwork_MM_Medal.jpg Fancy_Openwork_MM_Medal2.jpg

Miraculous Medal on a Clasp

Joan_of_Arc_Medal.jpg Joan_of_Arc_Medal2.jpg

St. Joan of Arc medal on a Clasp

M-BronzeMaryAncho-F.jpg M-BronzeMaryAncho.jpg

Stella Maris on a Clasp

M-STGerarde-B.jpg M-STGerarde-F.jpg

Sterling Silver St. Gerard with Clasp


Sterling Blessed Virgin and Flowers on Clasp

M-SilverStTeresa-F.jpg M-SilverStTeresa-B.jpg

St. Therese of the Child Jesus in Sterling on Clasp


Our Lady of Guadalupe in Sterling on Clasp


Sterling St. Anne with the Child Mary on Clasp

M-SilverHSdove-F.jpg M-SilverHSdove-B.jpg

Sterling Silver Holy Spirit with Clasp

M-SilverDMFlowers-F.jpg M-SilverDMFlowers-B.jpg

Divine Mercy in Sterling on Clasp

DSC_0405.jpg DSC_0409.jpg

St. Therese the Little Flower in Sterling on Clasp

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Our Lady Of Lourdes in Sterling on Clasp


Stella Maris in Sterling on Clasp

DSC_0387.jpg DSC_0393.jpg

Scapular in Sterling on Clasp

Divine Mercy Clip PewterSacredHeart.jpg

Divine Mercy Clip

Enameled Divine Mercy Clip PewterSacredHeartBack.jpg

Enameled Divine Mercy Clip
