In Jazlynn's Eyes

Dandelion Field

Dandelion Field

In Jazlynn's eyes dandelions are beautiful. I know this because my granddaughter loves to gift people with dandelion bouquets and she will always comment on their beauty  when we drive past a yard full. She searches out puff balls to blow out into the world. This love isn't shared by our neighbors, our yard is surrounded by lush green lawns, not a dandelion in sight. Not sure when our perspective on dandelions changes but at some point, for most of us, we lose the wonder of blowing off dandelion seeds and just see the weed.

This got me thinking that I'm feeling a little 'weedy' about myself. Lately, I've been looking through negative eyes.  Holding onto some regrets from the past and worries about the future. Things are changing, kids are growing up and with age the body is getting baggy and saggy. I'm seeing the beauty in others but not in myself.  But, in Jazlynn's love of dandelions, I'm reminded that in God's eyes I'm beautiful and I need to be open to the breath of His Spirit, blowing me out to do His will.

Blessings, Carolyn

Dandelion fun

Dandelion fun